БиблиографияРаздел 1 представляет собой хронологический перечень источников информации, в которых так или иначе отразилась Легенда о Бермудском треугольнике. Раздел 2 включает источники информации, которые я использовал в своей работе, а также дополнительный материал, доступный для читателя. Хотя в своей книге я обычно использовал материалы, публиковавшиеся в местных газетах, в этом списке я привожу также статьи но данной теме из "Нью-Йорк тайме". РАЗДЕЛ 1. ХРОНОЛОГИЧЕСКИЙ ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ ОСНОВНЫХ МАТЕРИАЛОВ, В КОТОРЫХ ТАК ИЛИ ИНАЧЕ ОТРАЗИЛАСЬ ЛЕГЕНДА О БЕРМУДСКОМ ТРЕУГОЛЬНИКЕ Jones, E.V.W. Associated Press feature roundup of disappearances, released September 16, 1950; "Miami Herald", September 17, p. 6F; "Tampa Tribune", September 17, p. 8. Sand, George X. Sea Mystery at Our Back Door. "Fate", October 1952, p. 11-17. Jessup, Morris K. The Case for the UFO. New York: Citadel, 1955, p. 119-134, 162-167. Кeуhоe, Donald E. The Flying Saucer Conspiracy. Chap. 19: "The Vanishing Planes". London: Hutchinson, 1957. Edwards, Frank. Stranger Than Science. Chap. 19: "Sky Traps." New York: Lyle Stuart, 1959; Paperback: Bantam, 1973. Eсkert, Allen W. The Mystery of the Lost Patrol.-"American Legion Magazine", April 1962, p. 12; U.S. Special Project Linked to UFOs.-"U.F.O. Investigator", June-September 1963, p. 1-2. Gaddis, Vincent H. The Deadly Bermuda Triangle.-Argosy, February 1964, p. 29; "Flying Saucer Review", July-Aug., 1964. Gaddis, Vincent H. Invisible Horizons.' Chap. 13: "The Triangle of Death". Philadelphia: Chilton, 1965; Paperback: Ace, 1972. Tiller, Dale. Wings of Mystery. Chap. 14: "The Mystery of Flight 19". New York: Dodd, 1966, Paperback: Tower, 1971; Bermuda Triangle Adds to Baffling Sea Lore. "National Geographic News Bulletin", 22 December, 1967. Godwin, John. This Baffing World. Chapter titled: "The Hoodoo Sea." New York: Hart, 1968, Paperback: Bantam, 1971. Sanderson, Ivan T. The Spreading Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.-"Argosy", August 1968, p. 36. Lieber, Leslie. Limbo of Lost Ships.-"This Week", 4 August 1968, p. 7. Maggio, Joe. Mystery Lurks in the Bermuda Triangle.-"Miami Beach Sun", 25 Juno 1969, p. 3. Boyd, Ellsworth. Where Scorpion Lies.-"Our Navy", July 1969, p. 2. Spencer, John Wallace. Limbo of the Lost. Westfield (Mass.): Phillips, 1969. Paperback: Bantam, 1973. Sanderson, Ivan T. More Things. Chap. 9: "Vile Vortices". New York: Pyramid, 1969. Sanderson, Ivan T. Invisible Residents. Chap. 8: "The Bermuda Triangle"; Chap. 10: "The Disposition of Anomalies*. New York: World, 1970. Paperback: Avon, 1973. Winer, Richard. The Devil's Triangle.-"Tropic Miami Herald Sunday magazine", 15 November 1970, p. 12. Winer, Richard. The Devil's Triangle (film), 1970. Burgess, Robert F. Sinkings, Salvages and Shipwrecks. Chap. 13: "The Mystery of the Deadly Bermuda Triangle". New York: American Heritage Press, 1970; "Catholic Digest", May 1971, p. 44-49", Time Anomalies.-"Pursuit", April 1971, p. 48-49. Winer, Richard. Bermuda Triangle-UFO Twilight Zone.- "Saga", August, September 1972. Smith, Marshall. The Devil's Triangle.-"Cosmopolitan", September, 1973, p. 198-202. Cusack, Michael. The Deadly Mystery of the Devil's Triangle.- "Science World", 20 September 1973, p. 3-6. Chance, Paul. Parapsychology Is an Idea Whose Time Has Come.-"Psychology Today", October 1973, p. 105-120. Sanderson, Ivan T. The 12 Devil's Graveyards Around the World.-"Saga", October 1973, p. 14. Watson, William W. Are U.S. Ships and Planes Being Caught in UFO Traps?-"Male", October 1973, p. 36. Charroux, Robert. Forgotten Worlds. Chap. 2: "The Mystery of the Thirty-Fifth Parallel"; Chap. 3: "The Bermuda Triangle*. Now York: Walker, 1973. Paperback: Popular Library, 1974. Jeffrey, Adi-Ivent Thomas. The Bermuda Triangle. New Hopo, Pa.: New Hope Pub. Co., 1973. Landsburg, Alan and Sally. In Search of Ancient Mysteries. Chap. 8: "Voyages into Limbo". New York: Bantam, 1974; In Search of Ancient Mysteries (телепередачи), January 1974; Bermuda Triangle. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1974. Micropedia, I, p. 1007. Winer, Richard. The Devil's Triangle. New York: Bantam, 1974. Berlitz, Charles, with J. Manson Valentine. The Bermuda Triangle. Garden City. New York: Doubleday, 1974, Spencer, John Wallace. No Earthly Explanation. Westfield (Mass.): Phillips, 1974. U.S. Coast Guard. The Bermuda Triangle, n. d. Standard handout on the subject. РАЗДЕЛ 2. ПЕРЕЧЕНЬ МАТЕРИАЛОВ, КОТОРЫЕ БЫЛИ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНЫ АВТОРОМ В ДАННОЙ КНИГЕ 1492. ХРИСТОФОР КОЛУМБ Gould, Rupert Т. Enigmas. New York, University Books, 19f>5, p. 82-91. Irving. Washington. History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus. Philadelphia: Carey, Lea, and Blanchard, 1835, Vol. 2, p. 85-101. АВГУСТ 1840 ГОДА. "РОЗАЛИ" Сras, Herve (Musee de la Marine, Paris). Letter to Kusche, 3 October 1973. Fort, Charles. Lo! New York: C. Kendall, 1931. Paperback: Ace, 1941, p. 94. Lane, J. F. (Lloyd's). Letter to Kusche, 15 August 1973. Lloyd's List, 25 September, 17 October 1840. "Times" (London), 6 November 1840, p. 6, col. 3. Vice Admiralty Court (Nassau). Minutes. 1837-1842. SC 4/8. АПРЕЛЬ 1854 г. "БЕЛЛА" Wilkins, Harold T. Strange Mysteries of Time and Space. New York: Citadel Press, 1959, p. 12-14. ДЕКАБРЬ 1872 ГОДА "МЭРИ СЕЛЕСТ" Baldwin, Hanson W. Sea Fights and Shipwrecks. New York: Curtis, 1938, p. 243-272. Doyle, Arthur Conan. J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement.- "Cornhill Magazine", January 1884, p. 1-32. Fay, Charles Edey. Mary Celeste. Salem: Peabody Museum, 1942. Freuchen, Peter. Peter Freuchen's Book of the Seven Seas. New York: Julian Messner, 1957, p. 49-51. Gould, Rupert T. The Stargazer Talks. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1944, p. 22-30. Hоскing, Charles. Dictionary of Disasters at Sea During the Age of Steam. London: Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1969, p. 459. "New York Times", 25 March 1873, p. 1. "Times" (London), 14 February 1873, p. 9. V illiers, Alan. Posted Missing. New York: Scribner's, 1956, V illiеrs, Alan. Wild Ocean. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957, p. 249-264. ЗИМА 1880 Г. "АТАЛАНТА" Hоскing, Charles. Dictionary of Disasters at Sea During the Age of Steam. London: Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1969, p. 55. Hоehling, Adolph A. They Sailed Into Oblivion. New York: Yoseloff, 1959, p. 82-92. "New York Times", 26 May 1880, p. 4. O'Donnell, Elliott. Strange Sea Mysteries. London: John Lane, 1926, p. 30-39. S n о w, Edward Rowe. Mysteries and Adventures Along the Atlantic Coast. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1948, p. 272-275. "Times" (London): 13 April 1881, p. 6, col. 5; 14th 8-2; 15th, 10-4; 16th 5-5; 17th 11-6; 19th 6-5; 20th 12-1; 21st 8-3; 22nd 12-4; 23rd 5-6; 26th 8-5; 27th 10-3; 28th 7-6; 29th 7-5; 1 May 12-3; 3rd 8-2; 4th 5-5; 10th 8-6; 12th 7-5; 18th 10-5; 21st 8-4; 27th 10-6; 29th 11-6; 9 June 11-6; 10th 5-6; 12th 12-1; 14th 8-4; 29th 9-5; 6 January 1881, 11 - 1. 1881 ГОД. "ЭЛЛЕН ОСТИН" Gould, Rupert T. The Stargazer Talks. London: Geoffrey Bles, 1944, p. 30. 1866 ГОД. "ЛОТТА". 1868 ГОД. "ВИГО". 1884 ГОД. "МИРАМОН" Материалы отсутствуют. ОКТЯБРЬ 1802 ГОДА. "ФРЕЯ" Fort, Charles. The Books of Charles Fort. New York: Holt, 1941, p. 642; or his Lo! New York, C. Kendall, 1931. Paperback: Ace, 1941, p. 101. Lloyd's Register. Wreck Returns. 1900-1904. Abandoned at sea, number 446. The Mexican Earthquake.-"Nature", 25 April 1907, p. 610. НОЯБРЬ 1909 ГОДА. ДЖОШУА СЛОКАМ Dictionary of American Biography. New York: Scribner's, 1928- Vol. 17, p. 217. Freuchen, Peter. Peter Freuchen's Book of the Seven Seas. New York: Julian Messner, 1957, p. 240-246. Slocum, Joshua. Sailing Alone Around the World. New York: Century, 1900. Slocum, Victor. Captain Joshua Slocum. New York: Sheridan House, 1950. Snоw, Edward Rowe. Mysterious Tales of the Now' England Coast. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1961, p. 174-185. Teller, Walter. Joshua Slocum. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1971. МАРТ 1978 ГОДА. "ЦИКЛОН" Кораблекрушение Blaming the Giant Octopus for the "Cyclops" Mystery.-"Literary Digest", 8 March 1919, p. 92. Collier Cyclops Mystery Still Causes Speculation. U.S. Naval Institute. "Proceedings", September 1923, p. 1569-1570. Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Navy, 1963., Vol. II, p. 226. Disappearance of the Cyclops Another Mystery of the Deep.- "Literary Digest", 8 June 1918, p. 47. Fact Sheet for U.S.S. Cyclops. One-page sheet sent by most government agencies in response to queries. Hоehling, Adolph A. They Sailed Into Oblivion. New York: Yoseloff, 1959, p. 209-219. Livingston, Brockholst. Old Navy Auxiliary Service. U.S. Naval Institute. "Proceedings", January 1929, p. 50-51. Miller, J. Earle. Mysteries of the Sea.-"Popular Mechanics", July 1926, p. 7-10. Mоmsen, R.P. Concerning the U.S.S. Cyclops..., 27 April 1918. The Mystery of the Cyclops.-"Scientific American", May 1934, p. 272-273. Nervig, Conrad A. The Cyclops Mystery. U.S. Naval Institute. "Proceedings", July 1969, p. 148-151. "New York Times": 15 April 1918, p. 1; 16th, p. 3; 17th, p. 3; 18th, p. 4, 7; 19th, p. 5; 1 May, p. 3; 23rd, p. 13; 4 June, p. 2; 13 Jan. 1919, p. 10; 25 June, p. 21; 12 July, p. 9; 9 May 1923, p. 22; 4 Dec. 1925, p. 1; 18 Feb. 1926, p. 5; 1 Sept, p. 3; 3 July 1930, p. 1; 4th, p. 4; 5th, p. 6; 8th, p. 5; 10th, p. 24. Tisdale, Mahlon S. Did the Cyclops Turn Turtle? U.S. Naval Institute. "Proceedings", January 1920, p. 55-59. U.S. Navy. Bureau of Construction and Repair. Cyclops-Stability. 7 June 1918. U.S. Navy. Office of Naval Intelligence. U.S.S. Cyclops Six Theo- ries.". 29 Juno 1918. V illers, Alan. Wild Ocean, New York: McCraw-IIill, 1957, p. 248-249. "Virginian-Pilot"; 15 April 1918, p. 1; 16th, p. 8; 18th, p. 1; 19th, p. 18; 28th, p. 8. Yates, I. I. Discussion. U.S. Naval Institute. "Proceedings", April 1920, p. 603-607. Погода "New York Times": 10 March 1918, p. 21; 11th, p. 1, 17; 12th, p. 8. Strom Warnings.-"Monthly Weather Review", March 1918, p. 42. U.S. National Climatic Center. Original Monthly Record of Observations. Hourly Wind Velocity. Norfolk, Virginia. March 1918. U.S. National Climatic Center. Original Monthly Record 01 Observations. Prevailing Hourly Wind Direction. Norfolk, Virginia. March 1918. "Virginian-Pilot", 10 March 1918, p. 1-2. Последняя информация Hawes, Dean D. Letter to Ivusche. 21 November 1973. Hawes, Dean D. Telephone conversation with Kucshe. 3 December 1973, 17 August 1974. The Old Explorer.-"National Geographic School Bulletin". 9 October 1973, p. 123. "Virginian-Pilot", 22 June 1973, n.p. ЯНВАРЬ 1921 ГОДА. "КЭРРОЛЛ А. ДИРИНГ" "New York Times": 21 June 1921, p. 1; 22nd, p. 1, 10, 14; 23rd, p. 1, 2, 16; 24th, p. 2; 25th, p. 2; 27th, p. 12; 4 July, p. 8; 8th, p. 2; 9th, p. 7; 11th, p. 10; 26 August, p. 2. Snow, Edward Rowe. Mysteries and Adventures Along the Atlantic Coast. New Y'ork: Dodd, Mead, 1948, p. 288-304. "Virginian-Pilot", 1 February 1921, p. 3; 2nd, p. 3; 3rd, p. 3; 4th, p. 2; 5th, p. 4; 6th, p. 1. АПРЕЛЬ 1925 ГОДА "РАИФУКУ-МАРУ" Hocking, Charles. Dictionary of Disasters at Sea During the Age of Steam. London: Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1969, p. 577. ДЕКАБРЬ 1925 ГОДА. "КОТОПАКСИ" Lloyd's Register. Wreck Returns. 1925-1929. October to December 1925, Steamers and motorships missing, p. 6. Number 17411. Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports. 11 December 1925, p. 355; 18th, p. 396; 24th, p. 432. "New York Times", 2 December 1925, p. 17; 4 December, p. 1. МАРТ 1926 ГОДА, "СУДУФФКО" Lloyd's Register. Wreck Returns. 1925-1929. April to June 1926, Steamers and motorships missing, p. 5. Number 83955. "New York Times", 19 March 1926, p. 23; 8 April, p. 2; 11th, p. 3; 28th, p. 27; 14 May, p. 17. ОКТЯБРЬ 1931 ГОДА. "СТАВЕНГЕР" "Nassau Guardian", 14 October 1931, p. 4; 21st, p. 4. Tliorst vedt, Else May (Norwegian Maritime Museum, Oslo). Letter to Kusche, 28 December 1973. V inje H. (Office of the Directorate General of Shipping and Navigation, Oslo, Norway). Letter to Kusche, 8 January 1974. 1947 ГОД. "ЛЕТАЮЩАЯ КРЕПОСТЬ" Merchant Vessels of the United States (Including Yachts), 1932, p. 380; 1933, p. 939. Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Customs. New York Maritime Register, 9 March 1932, p. 15; 27 April, p. 9. АВГУСТ 1935 ГОДА. "ЛА ДАХАМА" "New York Times", 28 August 1935, p. 1; 30th, p. 19. "Times" (London), 10 September 1935, p. 9. ФЕВРАЛЬ 1940 ГОДА. "ГЛОРИА КОЛИТА" "New York Times", 5 February 1940, p. 63. "Times-Picayune" (New Orleans): 5 February 1940. p. 1; 6th, p. 1; 7th, p. 1; 8th, p. 1; 11th, p. 20. НОЯБРЬ, ДЕКАБРЬ 1941 ГОДА. "ПРОТЕУС", "НЕРЕУС" Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Navy, 1963-. Vol. V, p. 45, 394. Hocking, Charles. Dictionary of Disasters at Sea During the Ago of Steam. London: Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1969, p. 499, 569. ОКТЯБРЬ 1944 ГОДА. "РУБИКОН" "New York Times", 17 October 1944, p. 25; 18th, p. 1; 19th, p. 36; 20th, p. 1; 21st, p. 19; 23rd, p. 21. U.S. Geological Survey. The National Atlas of the United States. Devastating North Atlantic Hurricanes, 1938-1965. Washington, D.C., 1970, p. 116. ДЕКАБРЬ 1945 ГОДА. 19 ЗВЕНО Board of Investigation into five missing TBM airplanes and one PBM airplane convened by Naval Air Advanced Training Command, NAS Jacksonville, Florida, 7 December 1945, and related correspondence. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Navy, 1946. Mс Dоnell, Michael. Lost Patrol.-"Naval Aviation News", June 1973, p. 8. "Miami Herald", 6 December 1945, p. 1; 7th, p. 1; 8th, p. 1; 9th, p. 1; 10th, p. 1. "New York Times", 6 December 1945, p. 11; 7th, p. 1; 8th, p. 10; 10th, p. 11; 11th, p. 14; 9 March 1946, p. 9. ДЕКАБРЬ 1946 ГОДА. "СИТИ БЕЛЛ* "Miami Herald", 6 December 1946, p. 1. "Nassau Guardian", 5 December 1945, p. 2; 6th, p. 2; 7th, p. 4. Материалы отсутствуют. ЯНВАРЬ 1948 ГОДА. "СТАР ТАЙГЕР" Barker, Ralph. Great Mysteries of the Air. London: Chatto and Windus, 1966, p. 80-93. Great Britain. Ministry of Civil Aviation. Report of the Court investigation of the accident to the Tudor IV. Aircraft "Star Tiger" G-AHNP, on the 30th January, 1948 (Cmd. 7517). London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1948. "New York Times": 1 February 1948. p. 5; 2nd, p. 37; 3rd, p. 51, 5th, p. 45. "Times" (London), 31 January 1948, p. 4; 2 February, p. 4; 4th, p. 4; 29 September, p. 2. МАРТ 1948 ГОДА. ЭЛ СНАЙДЕР "Miami Herald"; 7 March 1948, p. 1; 8th, p. Bl; 9th, p. 1; 10th, p. 1; 11 th, p. 9; 12th, p. 13; 13th, p. 1; 14th, p. 1; 15th, p. 1; 16th, p. 1; 19th, p. 19; 20th, p. 4. "New York Times". 7 March 1948, p. 21; 8th, p. 37; 9th, p. 20. ДЕКАБРЬ 1948 ГОДА. "ДАКОТА-3" Civil Aeronautics Board. Accident Investigation Report. Airborne Transport, Inc. Miami (Florida), 28 December, 1948. "Miami Herald", 29 December 1948, p. 1; 30th, p. 1; 31st, p. 1; 1 January 1949, p. 2; 19 July, p. 7. "New York Times", 29 December 1948, p. 1; 30th. p. 28; 31st, p. 13; 19 July 1949, p. 44. ЯНВАРЬ 1949 ГОДА. "СТАР ЭРИЕЛ" Great Britain. Ministry of Civil Aviation. Civil Aircraft Accident. Report on the Loss of Tudor IVb Star Ariel G-AGRE Which Disappeared on a Flight Between Bermuda and Kingston (Jamaica) on 17th January, 1949 (M.C.A.P. 78). London: His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1949. "New York Times", 18 January 1949, p. 1; 19th, p. 55; 21st, p. 14; 23rd, p. 29. Stewart, Oliver. Danger in the Air. New York: Philosophical Library, 1958, p. 121-130. "Times" (London), 18 January 1949, p. 4; 19th, p. 4; 24th, p. 3; 21 December, p. 4. МАРТ 1950 ГОДА. "ГЛОУБМАСТЕР" "New York Times", 24 March 1951, p. 1; 30th, p. 3; 31st, p. 3. Lloyd's List, April 24, 29; May 2, 3, 6, 10, И, 15, 10, 18, 20; June 3 1950, n.p. Lloyd's Register. Wreck Returns. Supplement. 1950. Steamers and motorships lost, p. 46. "Miami Herald", 8 April 1950, p. 1. "Savannah Morning News", 20 April 1950, p. 20. ФЕВРАЛЬ 1953 ГОДА. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ТРАНСПОРТНЫЙ САМОЛЕТ "ЙОРК" "New York Times", 3 February 1953, p. 8; 4th, p. 15. ОКТЯБРЬ 1954 ГОДА. "СУПЕР-КОНСТЕЛЛЕЙШН" "New York Times", 1 November 1954, p. 1; 2nd, p. 9; 3rd, p. 10; 4th, p. 34. ДЕКАБРЬ 1954 ГОДА. "САУТЕРН ДИСТРИКТС" Hocking, Charles. Dictionary of Disasters at Sea During the Age of Steam. London: Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1969, p. 656. Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports, 4 January 1955, p. 35; 11th, p. 68, 72. "New York Times", 14 December 1954, p. 26; 15th, p. 63; 18th, p. 31; 21st, p. 53; 25th, p. 21; 1 January 1955, p. 25; 3rd, p. 39; 4th, p. 91; 5th, p. 43; 6th, p. 26; 8th, p. 29; 9th. V p. 9; 11th, p. 51; 20th, p. 55; 23 August, p. 48. V illiers, Alan. Posted Missing. New York, Scribner's, 1956, p. 286-295. Rev. ed. 1974. СЕНТЯБРЬ 1955 ГОДА. "КОННЕМАРА IV" Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports. October-December 1955, Vol. 142, p. 5. "Miami Herald", 18 September 1955, p. 1; 19th, p. 1; 27th, p. 1, 12; 1 October, p. 1. "New York Times", 15 September 1955, p. 46; 16th, p. 47; 18th, p. 1; 19th, p. 1; 20th, p. 25; 22nd, p. 23; 23rd, p. 27; 24th, p. 36; 25th, IV p. 11; 1 October, p. 38. U.S. Geological Survey. The National Atlas of the United States of America. "Devastating North Atlantic Hurricanes, 1938- 1965". Washington, D.C., 1970, p. 116. НОЯБРЬ 1956 ГОДА. МОРСКОЙ ПАТРУЛЬНЫЙ БОМБАРДИРОВЩИК "New York Times", 11 November 1956, p. 80; 12th, p. 36; 13th, p. 27. U.S. Navy. Naval Safety Center. NAVSAFECEN ltr ser 395, 4426. Norfolk (Virginia), 1971. ЯНВАРЬ 1958 ГОДА. "РИВОНОК" Merchant Vessels of the United States (Including Yachts). 1959. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of Customs, p. 802. "New York Times", 7 January 1958, p. 24; 8th, p. 6; 9th, p. 66; 10th, p. 14; 11th, p. 36; 15th, p. 14; 19th, p. 73; 21st, p. 58. Snow, Edward Rowe. Unsolved Mysteries of Sea and Shore. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1963, p. 219-223. ЯНВАРЬ 1962 ГОДА. "КБ-50" "New York Times", 10 January 1962, p. 9. "Virginian-Pilot", 10 January 1962, p. 1; 11th, p. 21; 12th, p. 43. АПРЕЛЬ 1962 ГОДА. "ПАЙПЕР АПАШ" Ingraham, D.A.F. (Director of Civil Aviation, Nassau International Airport, Bahamas). Letter to Kusche, 25 March 1974. ФЕВРАЛЬ 1963 ГОДА. "МАРИН САЛФЕР КУИН" "Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports", 26 March 1963, Vol. 171, p. 576. "New York Times", 11 February 1963, p. 1; 12th, p. 3; 3 April, p. 93; 6th, p. 46; 23 May, p. 74; 28th, p. 74; 4 February 1973, p. 52. U.S. Coast Guard. Commandant. Commandant's Action on Marine Board of Investigation; Disappearance of the SS Marine Sulphur Queen at sea on or about 4 February 1963 with the presumed loss of all persons on board, March 1964. U.S. Coast Guard. Marine Board of Investigation. SS Marine Sulphur Queen; Disappearance at sea on or about 4 February 1963, August 1963. ИЮЛЬ 1963 ГОДА. "СНО' БОЙ" Lloyd's Weekly Casualty Reports, 9 July 1963, p. 22; 16th, p. 54. "Miami Herald", 5 July 1963, p. 1; 6th, p. 1; 7th, p. 1; 8th, p. 14; 9th, p. 10. Gеrwig, Richard F. (Chief of the Reporting and Documents Division, Directorate of Aerospace Safety, Norton Air t orce Base, California). Letter to Kusche, 6 July 1973. "Miami Herald", 29 August 1963, p. 1; 30th, p. 1; 31st, p. 2; 1 September, p. 2. f A Narrative Report on the Search for Two SAC "КС-135" Aircraft, 55th Air Rescue Squadron Historical Data Report, 1 August- 31 August 63, Military Airlift Command. "New York Times", 30 August 1963, p. 16; 31st, p. 63; 3 September, p. 16. ИЮНЬ 1965 ГОДА. "ЛЕТАЮЩИЙ ВАГОН" "Arizona Republic", 5 June 1965, p. 1; 6th, p. 1. Mс Divitt, James A. Letter to Kusche, 7 February 1974. "Miami Herald", 7 June 1965, p. 1; 8th, p. 12; 9th, p. 2; 10th, p. 1; 11th, p. 1. "New York Times", 7 June 1965, p. 44. United Press International. Gemini; America's walk in space. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965, Chap. 4. Articles on Gemini IV may be found in any newspaper of the time. ЯНВАРЬ 1967 ГОДА. "ЧЕРНАЯ НЕДЕЛЯ" "Miami Herald", 12 Januarv 1967, p. Bl; 13th, p. 15; 14th, p. B2; 18th, p. B2; 19th, p. 1; 20th, p. 28; 21st, p. B2; 22nd, p. Bl; 24th, p. B2. ДЕКАБРЬ 1967 ГОДА. "УИЧКРАФТ" "Miami Herald", 22 December 1967, p. 2; 24th, p. Bl; 25th, p. B2; 26th, p. Bl; 27th, p. B2; 29th, p. B2. МАЙ 1968 ГОДА. "СКОРПИОН" "Arizona Republic", 1 February 1969, p. 1. "New York Times", 28 May 1968, p. 1, 3; 29th, p. 1, 12, 16; 30th, p. 1; 31st, p. 1, 5; 1 June, p. 13, 26; 2nd, p. 15, IV 12; 3rd, p. 12; 4th, p. 93; 5th, p. 9; 6th, p. 13; 7th, p. 78; 8th, p. 63; 9th, p. 17; 11th, p. 19; 12th, p. 93; 13th, p. 13; 18th, p. 5; 21 st, p. 24; 22nd, p. 20; 4 July, p. 22; 26th, p. 30; 5 August, p. 37; 26 October, p. 7; 1 November, p. 1; 2nd, p. 30; 5th, p. 43; 16th, p. 27; 22nd, p. 24; 23rd, p. 33; 3 January 1969, p. 5; 1 February, p. 1; 12 July, p. 52. Кроме того, статьи о "Скорпионе" можно найти в любой газете этого времени. "ГРИНЛИНГ" "New York Times", 5 May 1973, p. 4, ИЮЛЬ 1969 ГОДА. ПЯТЬ НОКИНУТЫХ СУДОВ "ТИНМУТ ЭЛЕКТРОН" "New York Times", 12 July 1969, p. 2; 13th, p. 11; 27th, p. 21. "Times" (London), 11 July 1969, p. 1; 12th, p. 4; 14th, p. 3; 16th, p. 2; 18th, p. 6; 28th, p. 1, 2; 29th, p. 1; 6 August, p. 2; 13th, p. 2; 26th, p. 4. Tоmalin, Nicholas, and Hall, Ron. The Strange Last Voyage of Donald Crowhurst. New York: Stein and Day, 1970. ОСТАЛЬНЫЕ СУДА "New York Times", 13 July 1969, p. 11. "Times" (London), 12 July 1969, p. 4. Willis, Ronald J. Lost: Ships and Crews.-"The INFO Journal", Fall 1969, p. 4-6. АВГУСТ 1969 ГОДА. БИЛЛ ВЕРИТИ Fort Lauderdale News-Sentinel, 28 March 1973, n.p.; 29th, n.p. "New York Times", 22 August 1969, p. 70; 15 September, p. 3; 21st, p. 44; 27 June, 1971, p. 55; 5 August 1973, V p. 11. Verity, Bill. Telephone conversation with Kusche, 20 November 1973. НОЯБРЬ 1970 ГОДА. "ДЖИЛЛИ БИН" и "ПАЙПЕР КОМАНЧ* "Miami Herald", 26 November 1970, p. 22D; 28th, p. B2. АПРЕЛЬ 1971 ГОДА. "ЭЛИЗАБЕТ" Dinan, T.M. (Head of Casualty Records and Historical Research, Lloyd's). Letter to Kusche, 29 November 1973. Rice, Commander F.A. (Chief, Casualty Review Branch, U.S Coast Guard, Washington, D.C.). Letter to Kusche, 6 November 1973. Troy, Lawrence H. (Manager-Record, American Bureau of Shipping). Letter to Kusche, 19 March 1974. ОКТЯБРЬ 1971 ГОДА. "ЭЛЬ КЭРИБ" El Caribe (Santo Domingo), October 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 1971, n.p. Lloyd's List, October 16, 18, 19, 20, November 23, 1971. Mella Villanueva, Federico A. (Administrator General, El Caribe). Letter to Kusche, 9 January 1974. "Miami Herald", 16 October 1971, p. 2. "San Juan Star", 16 October 1971, p. 1; 17th, p. 22; 18th, p. 16; 19th, p. 3; 20th, p. 6; 22nd, p. 1; 23rd, p. 14. "Еl Tiempo", Bogota (Colombia), October 16, 21, 1971, n.p. ФЕВРАЛЬ 1972 ГОДА. "В. А. ФОГГ" "Galveston Daily News", 3 February 1972, p. 1; 4th, p. 1; 5th, p. 1; 6th, p. 1; 7th, p. 1; 8th, p. 1; 9th, p. 1; 10th, p. 1; 11th, p. 1; 13th, p. 1; 14th, p. 1; 15th, p. 1; 16th, p. 1; 17th, p. 1; 18th, p. 1; 19th, p. 1; 20th, p. 1. "Houston Post", 3 February 1972 p. 1; 4th, p. 1; 5th, p. 1; 6th, p. 1; 7th, p. 1; 8th, p. 2; 9th, p. 1; 10th, p. 1; 11th, p. 6; 12th, p. 13; 13th, p. 1; 14th, p. 1; 15th, p. 1; 16th, p. 4; 17th, p. 3; 18th, p. 1; 19th, p. 1; 20th, p. 6B; 22nd, p. 5; 29th, p. 3. Kirkpatrick, Joel (City Editor, Galveston Daily News). Letter to Kusche, 20 December 1973. "New York Times", 3 February 1972, p. 30; 6th, p. 62; 7th, p. 63; 14th, p. 57; 15th, p. 36. Rice. Commander F.A. (Chief, Casualty Beview Branch, U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C.). Letter to Kusche, 4 March 1974. Solano, A. (Chief of Identification, Sheriff's Department, County of Galveston). Letter to Kusche, 20 December 1973. Whiting, Lt. Arthur (Casualty Review Board, U.S. Coast Guard, Washington, D.C.). Telephone conversation with Kusche, 16 January 1974. МАРТ 1973 ГОДА. "НОРС ВЭРИЕНТ" И "АНИТА" "New York Times", 23 March 1973, p. 1; 24|h, p. 66; 25th, p. 47; 26th, p. 1; 27th, p. 32; 28th, p. 1; 29th, p. 93. ОКТЯБРЬ 1973_ГОДА. "ЛИНДА" "Arizona Republic", 8 October 1973, p. 14; 25 November, p. 21; 28th, p. 3. "Miami Herald", 8 October 1973, p. 1; 9th, p. 3B. U.S. Coast Guard. Public Information Office. Miami, Florida. Johnson, Lt. (jg) G.F. (Public Information Officer). Letter to Kusche, 24 October 1973. "Press release", 10 October 1973. Johnson, Lt. (jg) G.F. Letter to Kusche, 13 November 1973. "МОРЕ ДЬЯВОЛА" "Action Line", "Mainichi Daily News" (Tokyo). Letter to Kusche. 26 December 1973. "Asahi Shimbun" (Tokyo), 15 January 1955, n.p. Сharvet, Michael (Editor General News, North America, Reuters). Letter to Kusche, 27 November 1973. Hatауа Н. (Director of Government, Bonin Islands). Letter to Kusche, 11 January 1974. Кimura, Shigeru (Associate Editor, Science Department, Asahi Shimbun, Tokyo). Letters to Kusche, 30 October, 18 November, 1973. Кinкaid, Karol (Consulate General of Japan, Los Angeles). Letter to Kusche, 11 December 1973. Neal, Alfred H., Jr. (American Vice Consul, United States Embassy, Tokyo). Letter to Kusche, 31 October 1973. "New York Times", 27 September 1952, p. 35; 28th, p. 30; 30th, p. 2; 16 January 1955, V, p. 8. О hno, Yasuchika (Foreign Liaison Officer, Maritime Safety Agency, Tokyo). Letter to Kusche, 10 January 1974. Project Magnet. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office, n.d. Prone, Leo J. (Safety Supervisor, Wake Island Air Force Base). Letter to Kusche, 19 December 1973. Stierman, J.W. (Fleet Public Affairs Officer, United States Pacific Fleet, Makalapa, Hawaii). Letter to Kusche, 17 December 1973. Smуser, A.A. (Editor, Honolulu Star-Bulletin). Letter to Kusche, 25 November 1973. Taitano, Magdalena (Librarian. Nieves M. Flores Memorial Library, Agana, Guam). Letter to Kusche, 30 November 1973. "White Paper". Maritime Safety Agency, 1973, p. 58-59. "Yomiuri Shimbun" (Tokyo), 14 January 1955, n.p. МАГНЕТИЗМ, ТАЙНА И БЕРМУДСКИЙ ТРЕУГОЛЬНИК Выводы и заключения, приводимые в этом разделе книги, основаны на моем собственном опыте специалиста по летному оборудованию и на руководстве FAA's Instrument Flying Handbook. Правильность аэронавигационных заключений была подтверждена Ларри Янгом - главным пилотом и инструктором из Авиационной школы, аэропорт "Скай-Харбор", Феникс. Правильность экскурсов в геологию подтверждена доктором Уильямом А. Сауком - ассистент-профессором геологии Аризонского университета. |
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