предыдущая главасодержаниеследующая глава

Цитированные источники


1. Первоначально опубликовано в журнале The American Magazine за октябрь 1910 г.; перепечатано под названием "Заключительные впечатления психоисследователя" в книге James W., Memories and Studies, New York, Longmans, Green, 1911, 181-183, а также в книге William James on Psychical Research, eds. Murphy G., Ballou R. О., New York, Viking Press, 1960, p. 313 f.

2. Fe stinger L., Riecken H. W., Schachter S., When Prophecy Fails, Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1956. См. также общий разбор в книге Festinger L., A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance, Evanston, Illinois, Row, Peterson and Co., 1957, The Stanford Univ. Press, 1962.

3. Воring E. G., Cognitive Dissonance, Its Use in Science; Science, CXLV, 680-685 (1964).

4. William James on Psychical Research, eds. Murphy G. and Ballou R. О.; Boring E. G., The Spirits against Bosh, Contemporary Psychology, VI, 149-151 (1961).

5. О многочисленных определениях вероятности см. статью Айера: A. J. Ayer, Chance, Scientific American, CCXIII, 44-54 (October 1965).

6. Boole G., An Investigation into the Laws of Thought, London, Macmillan, 1854, 368-375.

7. Von Kries J., Die Principien der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung, Freiburg, Mohr, 1886, S. 5-15.

8. Keynes J. M., A Treatise on Probability, London, Macmillan, 1921, Harper and Row, 1962, 41-64.

9. Ayer A. J., Scientific American, CCXIII, 44 (October 1965).

10. Воring E. G., Statistical Frequencies as Dynamic Equilibria, Psychological Review, XLVIII, 279-301 (1941).

11. Там же, стр. 295.

12. Воring Е. G., The Nature and History of Experimental Control, American Journal of Psychology, LXVII, 573-589 (1954) и специально о различиях стр. 575.

13. Boring E. G., Psychological Review, 296 (1941).

14. Ayer A. J., Scientific American, CCXIII, 51 (October 1965).

Глава 1

1. D'Arcy Thompson, Growth and Form, Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1942, p. 13.

2. Knight M., Theoretical Implications of Telepathy, Science News, № 18, London, Penguin Books, 1950, p. 20.

3. Eysenck H. J., Sense and Nonsense in Psychology, London, Penguin Books, 1957, p. 13.

4. Sоal S. G., Вateman F. Modern Experiments in Telepathy, London, Faber and Faber, 1954, p. 24.

5. Цитируется в книге Неywооd R., Beyond the Reach of Sense, New York, Dutton, 1961, p. 11.

6. Hebb D. O., The Role of Newrological Ideas in Psychology, Journal of Personality, XX, 45 (1951).

7. Huxley A., Life, XXXVI, № 2, 96 (1954).

8. Thouless R. H., Thought Transference and Related Phenomena, 1950, из книги Sоаl S. G., Вateman F., Modem Experiments in Telepathy, p. 357.

Глава 3

1. Коеstler A., The Observer, London, 23 (May 7, 1961).

2. Broad С. D., Discussion: The Experimental Establishment of Telepathic Precognition, Philosophy, XIX, № 74, 261 (1944).

3. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., Parapsychology: Frontier Science of the Mind, Springfield, Thomas, 1957, p. 140.

4. Там же, стр. 19.

5. Extrasensory Perception, eds. Wolstenholme G. E., Millar E. C., Ciba Foundation Symposium, London, Churchill, 1956, p. 32.

6. Pratt J. G., Rhine J. В., Smith В. М., Stuart Ch. E. and Greenwood J. A., Extra-Sensory Perception after Sixty Years, Boston, Bruce Humphries, 1940.

7. Extrasensory Perception, eds. Wolstenholme G. E., Millar E. C., p. 51.

Глава 4

1. Sidgwick H., Presidential Adress, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, I, part 1, p., 12 (1882).

2. Barrett W. F., Gurney Е., and Myers F. W., First Report on Thought Reading, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, I, part 1, 63 (1882).

3. Daily News, London (1 September 1911).

4. Crichton-Browne J., письмо в Westminster Gazette (19 January 1908).

5. Daily News, см. п. 3.

6. Там же.

7. Там же.

8. Сhevreul M. E., De la baguette divinatoire, du pendule dit explorateur ot des tables tournantes, Paris, Malet Bachelier, 1854.

9. Barrett W. F., Besterman Т., The Divining Rod; an Experimental and Psychological Investigation, London, Methuen, 1926.

10. Pfungst O., Clever Hans, New York, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1911.

11. Soal S. G., Bateman F., Modern Experiments in Telepathy, p. 16.

12. Jephsоn I., Evidence for Clairvoyance in Card-Guessing, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XXXVII, part CIX, 223-268 (1929).

13. Вesterman Т., Sоal S. G., Jephson I., Report of a Series of Experiments in Clairvoyance Conducted at a Distance under Approximately Fraud-Proof Conditions, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XXXIX, part CXVIH, 374-414 (1931).

14. Tyrrell G. N., Further Research in Extra-Sensory Perception, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XLIV, part CXLVII, 99-166 (1936).

15. Kennedy J. L., A Methodological Review of Extra-Sensory Perception, Psychological Bulletin, XXXVI, 59-103 (1939).

Глава 5

1. Rhine J. В., An Investigation of a Mind Reading Horse, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, XXIII (1929).

2. Rhine J. В., Extra-Sensory Perception, Boston, Boston Society for Psychic Research. Следующий далее перечень страниц относится к изданию, вышедшему в Англии (London, Faber and Faber),

3. Там же, стр. 229.

4. Там же, стр. 83.

5. Там же, стр. 113-114.

Глава 6

1. Cox W. S., An Experiment in ESP, Journal of Experimental Psychology, XII, № 4, 437 (1936).

2. Adams E. Т., A Summary of Some Negative Experiments, Journal of Parapsychology, II, № 3, 232-236 (1938).

3. Сrumbaugh J. C., An Experimental Study of Extra-Sensory Perception, Master's thesis, Southern Methodist University, 1938.

4. Willоnghby R. R., Further Card-Guessing Experiments, Journal of General Psychology, XVIII, 3-13 (1938).

5. Heinlein С. P., Heinlein J. H., Critique of the Premises and Statistical Methodology of Parapsychology, Journal of Psychology, V, 135-148 (1938).

6. Soal S. G., Bateman F., Modern Experiments in Telepathy, 135-148.

7. Kennedy J. L., The Visual Cues from the Backs of ESP Cards, Journal of Psychology, VI, 149-153 (1938).

8. Herbert С. V., Experiments in Extra-Sensory Perception, 1. A Note on Types of Zener Cards, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, XXX, № 545, 215-218 (1938).

9. Kennedy J. L., Psychological Bulletin (1939).

10. Там же, стр. 94.

11. Warner L., A Test Case, Journal of Parapsychology, I, № 4, 234-238 (1937).

12. Riess B. F., A Case of High Scores in Card Guessing at a Distance, Journal of Parapsychology, I, № 4, 260-263 (1937).

13. Там же, стр. 263.

14. Kennedy J. L., Psychological Bulletin, 91 (1939).

15. Soal S. G., Bateman F., Modern Experiments in Telepathy, p. 49.

16. Prall J. G. et al., Extra-Sensory Perception after Sixty Years, p. 163.

17. Там же, стр. 165.

18. Там же.

19. Там же, стр. 165, 166.

Глава 7

1. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., A Review of the Pearce - Pratt Distance Series of ESP Tests, Journal of Parapsychology, XVIII, № 3, 165-177 (1954).

2. Rhine J. В., New Frontiers of the Mind, London, Faber and Faber, 1938, p. 222.

3. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., A Reply to the Hansel Critique of the Pearce - Pratt Series, Journal of Parapsychology, XXV, № 2, 93, 94 (1961).

4. Pratt J. G., Parapsychology: An Insiders View of ESP, London, Allen, 1964, p. 49.

5. Rhine J. В., New Frontiers of the Mind, p. 226.

6. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., Journal of Parapsychology, 165 (1954).

Глава 8

1. Pratt J. G., Woodruff J. L., Size of Stimulus Symbols in Extra-Sensory Perception, Journal of Parapsychology, III, № 2, 121-158 (1939).

2. Rhine J. В., Prall J. G., Parapsychology, p. 39.

3. Rhine J. В., New World of the Mind, London, Faber and Faber, 1954, p. 55.

4. Rawcliffe D. H., Illusions and Delusions of the Supernatural and the Occult, New York, Dover, 1959, p. 388.

5. Pratt J. G., Woodruff J. L., Refutation of Hansel's Allegation Concerning the Pratt - Woodruff Series, Journal of Parapsychology, XXV, № 2, 123 (1961).

Глава 9

1. Soal S. G., Goldney К. М., Experiments in Precognitive Telepathy, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XLVII, Part CLXVII, 21-150 (1943).

2. Broad С. D., Philosophy, 261 (1944).

3. Hutchinson G. E., Marginalia, American Scientist, XXVI, 291 (1948).

4. Rhine J. В., New World of the Mind, p. 59.

5. Price G. R., Science and the Supernatural, Science, CXXII, № 3165, 362 (26 August, 1955).

6. Там же.

7. Там же.

8. Soal S. G., Goldney К. М., The Shackleton Report, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, XL, № 705, 378 (1960). В этой статье содержится также ответ д-ра Соула иа утверждение миссис Олберт.

9. Sоаl S. G., Goldney К. М., Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 128 (1943).

10. Sоal S. G., Вateman F., Modern Experiments in Telepathy, 346, 347.

11. Soal S. G., Bowden H. Т., The Mind Readers, London, Faber and Faber, 1959, p. 192.

12. Sоal S. G., Вateman F., Modern Experiments in Telepathy, p. 203.

13. Niсоl J. F., The Statistical Controversy in Quantitative Research, International Journal of Parapsychology, I, № 1, 56 (1959).

Глава 10

1. Burt C., Experiments on Telepathy in Children, British Journal of Statistical Psychology, XII, part I, 72 (1959).

2. Sоal S. G, Bowden H. Т., The Mind Readers, 48.

3. Там же, стр. 26.

4. Там же, стр. 282.

5. Там же, стр. 61.

6. Там же, стр. 281.

7. Там же, стр. 81.

8. Там же, стр. 177.

9. Там же, стр. 178.

10. Scott Ch., Goldney К. М., The Jones Boys and The Ultrasonic Whistle, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, XL, № 703, 249-260 (1960).

11. Galton F., Inquiries into Human Faculty, London, Dent, 1907, p. 235.

12. West D. J., Psychical Research Today, London, Penquin Books, 1962; см. также Thouless R. H., Experimental Psychical Research, London, Penguin Books, 1963.

13. Soal S. G., Bowden H. Т., The Mind Readers, 235.

Глава 11

1. Faraday M., Experimental Investigations of Table-Moving, The Athenaeum, 801-803 (July 1853).

2. Rhine J. В., New World of the Mind, 37.

3. Niсоl J. F., Some Difficulties in the Way of Scientific Regocnition of Extrasensory Perception, Extrasensory Perception, eds. Wolstenholme G. E., Millar E. C., p. 36.

4. Girden E., A Review of Psychokinesis, Psychological Bulletin, LIX, 353-388 (1962).

5. Rhine J. B, Humphrey В. М., The PK Effect with Sixty Dive per Throw, Journal of Parapsychology, IX, № 3, 215 (1945).

6. Girden E., Psychological Bulletin, 361.

7. Nicol J. F., Carington W., Some Experiments in Willed Die-Throwing, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XLVIII, part CLXXIII, 164-175 (1946).

8. Nash С. В., РК Tests of a Large Population, Journal of Parapsychology, VIII, № 4, 304-310 (1944).

9. McMachon E., A PK Experiment under Light and Dark Conditions, Journal of Parapsychology, IX, № 4, 249-263 (1945).

10. Thouless R. H., Some Experiments on PK Effects in Coin Spinning, Journal of Parapsychology, IX, № 3, 169-175 (1945).

11. Pope D., Bailey's Comparison of a Coin and a Die in PK Tests, Journal of Parapsychology, X, № 3, 213-215 (1946).

12. Вinski S. R., Report on Two Exploratory PK Series, Journal of Parapsychology, XXI, № 4, 284-295 (1957).

13. Forwald H., A Continuation of the Experiments on Placement PK, Journal of Parapsychology, XVI, № 4, 273-283 (1952).

14. Gregory С. С., Psychic News (9 May 1959).

15. Niсоl J. F., The Design of Experiments in Psychokinesis, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, XXXVII, № 681, 355 (1954).

16. Cox W. E., The Effect of PK on the Placement of Falling Objects, Journal of Parapsychology, XV, № 1, 40-48 (1951).

17. Кnоwles E. A., Report of an Experiment Concerning the Influence of Mind over Matter, Journal of Parapsychology, XIII, № 3, 186-196 (1949).

18. Gardner M., Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, New York, Dover, 1957, p. 307.

19. Там же, стр. 353.

Глава 12

1. Humрrеy В. М., Success in ESP as Related to Form oi Response Drawings. 1. Clairevoyance Experiments, Journal of Parapsychology, X, № 2, 78-106 (1946).

2. Niсоl J. F., Humphrey В. М., The Exploration of ESP and Human Personality, Journal of the Americal Society for Psychical Research, XLVII, № 4, 133-178 (1953).

3. West D. J., ESP Performance and the Expansion-Compression Rating, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, XXXV, № 660, 295-308 (1950).

4. Sсhmeidler G. R., Separating the Sheep from the Goats, Journal of the Americal Society for Psychical Research, XXXIX, № 1, 47-50 (1945).

5. Smith W. R., Dagle E. F., Hill M. D., MоttSmith J., Testing for Extrasensory Perception with a Machine, Data Sciences Laboratory Project 4610, AFCRL-63-141 (May 1963); Kahn. S. D., Studies in Extrasensory Perception, Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research, XXV, 1-48 (October 1952).

6. Anderson M., White R., Teacher-Pupil Attitudes and Clairvoyance Test Results, Journal of Parapsychology, XX, № 3, 141-157 (1956).

7. Rilling M. E., Pettijohn C., Adams J. Q., A Two Experimenter Investigation of Teacher-Pupil Attitudes, Journal of Parapsychology, XXV, № 4, 247-259 (1961); White R., Angstadt J., A Resumee of Research into Teacher-Pupil Attitudes, Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, LV, 142-147 (October 1961).

8. Soal S. G., Bate man F., Modern Experiments in Telepathy, 251.

9. Kahn S. D., Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research (1952).

10. Smith W. R. et al., Data Sciences Laboratory Project 4610.

11. Васильев Л. Л., Экспериментальные исследования мысленного внушения, Изд-во Ленингр. ун-та, 1962.

12. Васильев Л. Л., Внушение па расстоянии, М., Госполитиздат, 1962.

13. Васильев Л. Л., Экспериментальные исследования мысленного внушения.

Глава 13

1. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., Journal of Parapsychology, 97 (1961).

2. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., Journal of Parapsychology, 175 (1954),

Глава 14

1. Gurney E., Myers F. W., Visible Apparitions, Nineteenth Century, XVI, 89-91 (July 1884).

2. Nineteeth Century, XVI, 451 (November 1884).

3. Сооver J. E., Metaphysics and the Incredulity of Psychologists, ed. Murchison C, The Case for and Against Psychic Belief, Worchester, Mass., Clark Univ., p. 261 (1927).

4. Tyrrell G. N., The Personality of Man, London, Pelican books, 1947, p. 63.

5. Там же.

6. Заметка на третьей странице обложки журнала Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, VI, part XVII (1888).

7. Blackburn D., Daily News, London (1 September 1911).

8. Pollack J. II., Crime Busting with ESP, This Week, 21 (26 February 1961).

9. Письмо к автору. Печатается с разрешения Э. Д. Маальдринка.

10. Кatz S., First Report on Extra-Sensory Perception, Mac-Lean's, 44 (29 July, 1961).

11. Brink F., Parapsychology and Criminal Investigation, International Criminal Police Review, № 134 (8 January 1960).

12. Posinski S. H., The Case of John Tarmon: Telepathy and the Law, The Psychiatric Quarterly, XXXV, № 1, 165-166 (January 1961).

Глава 15

1. Сrооkes W., Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, London, Burns and Oates, 1874, p. 88.

2. Hаynes R., The Hidden Springs, New York, The Devin-Adair, 1961, p. 223.

3. Dingwall E. J., Very Peculiar People, London, Rider, 1950, p. 190.

4. Thurston H., The Physical Phenomena of Spiritualism, London, Burns and Oates, 1936, p. 336.

5. Fielding E., Bagally W. W., Carrington H., Report of a Series of Sittings with Eusapia Palladino, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XXIII, part LIX (1909).

6. Там же, стр. 328.

7. Там же, стр. 359.

8. Munsterburg H., Report on a Sitting with Eusapia Palladino, Metropolitan Magazine (February 1910).

9. Miller D. S., Report of an Investigation of the Phenomena Connected with Eusapia Palladino, Science, LXXVII (1910).

10. Jastrow J., Unmasking of Palladino, Collier's Weekly, XLV, 21-22 (14 May 1910).

11. Houdini on Magic, eds. Gibson W. В., Young M. N., New York, Dover, 1953, 141-142.

12. Seabrook W., Doctor Wood: Modern Wizard of the Laboratory, New York, Harcourt Brace and World, 1941, p. 215. (Русский перевод: Сибрук В., Роберт Вуд. Современный чародей физической лаборатории, М., Физматгиз, 1960, стр. 247-248.)

13. Редакционная статья в New York Times (10 May 1910).

Глава 16

1. Цитируется в книге Rinn J. F., Searchlight on Psychical Research, London, Rider, 1954, p. 126.

2. Там же.

3. Там же.

4. Наll R., Troubridge U. V., On a Series of Sittings with Mrs. Osborn Leonard, Proceedings of the Society fot Psychical Research, XXX, part LXXVIII, 346-347 (1919).

5. Lodge O., Raymond or Life and Death, London, Methuen, 1916, p. 125.

6. Saller W. H., A Further Report on Sittings with Mrs. Leonard, Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, XXXII, part LXXXII, 74-85 (1921).

7. Наll R., Troubridge U. V., Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 348 (1919).

8. Ehrenwald J., Telepathy and Medical Psychology, London, Allen and Unwin, 1947, p. 402.

9. Piper L., New York Herald (20 October 1910).

10. West D. J., Psychical Research Today, London, Penquin Books, 1962, p. 101.

Глава 17

1. Price G. R., Science, 363 (1955).

2. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., Parapsychology, p. 132.

3. Там же, стр. 19.

4. Rhine J. В., Pratt J. G., Journal of Parapsychology, 94 (1961).

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